Claremont to Santa Monica & Back


Jason Bowman


November 12, 2024


Following up on our previous spring break adventure with the 4x4x48, we wanted to take on another fun and physically challenging journey. This time, I teamed up again with Ket Hollingsworth and Collin Fitzpatrick to bike from Harvey Mudd to Santa Monica and back. Collin’s high school friend and sister both go to UCLA, so we planned to use it as a stopping point on our 2-day, 135-mile journey.

The Plan

  • Training: no training
  • Equipment: Bikes, water?, bread?
  • Sleeping: Thors floor
  • Route: Harvey Mudd -> Cal Tech -> JPL -> UCLA -> Santa Monica Pier -> UCLA(sleep) -> Harvey Mudd



Having done this kind of event last year, we knew it would be a fun experience. We started off a bit rough and unprepared—Collin had just finished a swimming event, Ket stepped on coral and took a 3-hour nap before we left, and I had sprained my ankle at practice the week before. However, nothing was going to stop us from doing Version 2 of our now annual tradition. We unexpectedly ended up getting an in-depth tour of LA County, experiencing the full range of highs and lows the city has to offer. It was truly an immersive experience, and I’d do it again in a heartbeat.

The Result

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